Karina Gleitnere former Račko
The representative website and online bookstore of bestseller author Karīna Račko now Gleitnere
Karina Gleitnere former Račko
Karīna Gleitnere
4 Weeks
Karīna Gleitnere

Crafting a Tailored Online Store: Meeting the Author's Unique Needs

Designing an online store tailored to the needs of Latvian Erotic Novels Bestsellers author Karīna Račko now Gleintere posed the challenge of creating a platform that reflected the author's feminine brand while offering a seamless shopping experience


Prioritizing Convenience: Streamlining Operations for Writing Focus & Signifly Increasing Sales

The goal was to provide a personalised online store that prioritised convenience for the author and her customers. This involved streamlining the ordering and fulfilment processes to allow the author to focus more on writing and less on administrative tasks.

Connect with the author's popularity and create a page that complements the author's feminine brand, while performing SEO optimization. This ensures that whenever the author is searched for, the search results prominently display the official page, making it convenient for readers to purchase the author's novels and stay updated on the author's progress and news.


Success Achieved: Elevating the Author's Experience and Sales"

By building a compelling online store at karinaracko.com ---> karinagleitnere.com, we successfully met the challenge and achieved the goal. The personalised store offered convenient shopping for customers, while efficient order processing and fulfilment systems eased the administrative burden on the author, allowing her to dedicate more time to writing.

After redesigned the authors online store, we increased online sales by 10 times. The author was delighted with the results, as the streamlined ordering and fulfilment processes allowed her to focus more on writing and less on administrative tasks.


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